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m (c))
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$$=(\chi \mapsto\sum\limits_{x,y}{f(xy^{-1})g(y)\chi^*(x)})$$
$$=(\chi \mapsto\sum\limits_{x,y}{f(xy^{-1})g(y)\chi^*(x)})$$
$$=(\chi \mapsto\sum\limits_{z=xy^{-1}, y}{f(z)g(y)\chi^*(zy)})=(\chi \mapsto\left(\sum\limits_{z}{f(z)\chi^*(z)}\right)\left(\sum\limits_{y}{g(y)\chi^*(y)}\right))$$
$$=(\chi \mapsto\sum\limits_{z=xy^{-1}, y}{f(z)g(y)\chi^*(zy)})=(\chi \mapsto\left(\sum\limits_{z}{f(z)\chi^*(z)}\right)\left(\sum\limits_{y}{g(y)\chi^*(y)}\right))$$
$$=(\chi \mapsto |G|\cdot(f,\chi)_G)\cdot(\chi \mapsto |G|\cdot(g,\chi)_G$$
$$=(\chi \mapsto |G|\cdot(f,\chi)_G)\cdot(\chi \mapsto |G|\cdot(g,\chi)_G)$$
Line 162: Line 162:
As \(\chi\) form a orthonormal basis of \(L(G)\)), it holds
As \(\{\chi\}\) form a orthonormal basis of \(L(G)\)), it holds
$$f(x)=\sum\limits_{\chi \in \hat{G}}{(f,\chi)_G \cdot \chi(x)}=\frac{1}{|G|}\sum\limits_{\chi \in \hat{G}}{\hat{f}(\chi)\chi(x)}$$
$$f(x)=\sum\limits_{\chi \in \hat{G}}{(f,\chi)_G \cdot \chi(x)}=\frac{1}{|G|}\sum\limits_{\chi \in \hat{G}}{\hat{f}(\chi)\chi(x)}$$

Revision as of 15:05, 11 June 2015


Let \(G\) be a finite Abelian group.

a) Prove that the group homomorphisms \(\chi : G → \mathbb{C}^*\) are exactly the characters of irreducible representations of \(G\).

Pointwise multiplication endows the set of irreducible characters of \(G\) with the structure of a finite Abelian group. This group is denoted by \(\hat{G}\). (Remark: \(\hat{G}\) is also called the Pontryagin dual).

b) Show that the map $$G \rightarrow \hat{\hat{G}}$$ $$x \mapsto (\chi \mapsto \chi(x))$$ is an isomorphism of groups.

c) Let \(C(\hat{G})\) denote the \(\mathbb{C}\)-algebra of complex valued functions on \(\hat{G}\) with pointwise multiplication. Prove that the map $$ L(G) \rightarrow C(\hat{G})$$ $$f \mapsto (\hat{f}: \chi \mapsto |G|(f, \chi)_G)$$ is an isomorphism of \(\mathbb{C}\)-algebras (in particuar \(f(x) = \frac{1}{|G|}\sum\limits_{\chi}{\hat{f}(\chi)\chi(x)}\; \forall x \in G\)).

Solution Sketch

--Brynerm (talk) 14:32, 11 June 2015 (CEST)--Brynerm (talk) 10:47, 10 June 2015 (CEST)

some arguments are quite tedious. Any ideas for shorter proofs without always relying on \(\{\chi\}\) being a basis of \(L(G)\)?


as \(G\) is abelian, the number of irreducible representations\(=|C_k| = |G| \Rightarrow \) all irreducible representations have to be one-dimensional, because \(dim(End(\mathbb{C}^G))=|C_k| = |G| = \sum\limits_{\chi}{dim(\chi)}, \chi\) irreducable.

$$\Rightarrow tr(\chi)=\chi$$ so every character of an irreducible representation \(\chi\) can be written as \(\chi:G \rightarrow \mathbb{C}^*\), \(\mathbb{C}^*=\mathbb{C}\backslash \{0\}\)

Further are all homomorphisms \(\rho:G \rightarrow \mathbb{C}^* \) one-dimensional representations and therefore irreducible.


group structure of \(\hat{G}\)

The group structure of \(\hat{G}\) is proposed in the exercise and therefore in my view it doesn't need to be proven. But it fallows simply from the fact, that the characters are homomorphous and one-dimensional. It only have to be showed that the product of characters is homomorphous again, then from a) fallows, that it is a character of an irreducable represenation:

$$ \forall x,y \in G :(\chi_a \cdot \chi_b)(xy)=\chi_a(xy)\cdot \chi_b(xy)=\chi_a(x)\cdot\chi_a(y)\cdot \chi_b(x)\cdot \chi_b(y)= (\chi_a\cdot \chi_b)(x)\cdot (\chi_a\cdot \chi_b)(y)$$

The inverse element of \(\chi\) is simply given by: $$ \chi^{-1}(g)=\frac{1}{\chi(g)}=\chi(g^{-1}) $$

and is indeed homomorphous $$ \chi^{-1}(gh)=\frac{1}{\chi(gh)}=\frac{1}{\chi(g)\cdot\chi(h)}=\chi^{-1}(g)\cdot\chi^{-1}(h)$$

And the neutral element is the trivial representation: $$ \tau(g) \cdot \chi(g)= 1 \cdot \chi(g) =\chi(g) = \chi(g) \cdot 1 =\chi(g) \cdot \tau(g) $$

\(\{\chi\}\) is a basis of \(L(G)\)

Maybe there's a much shorter way to show the linear independence. I used the convolution, but had to prove some properties of the convolution of the characters first. Nevertheless some of the fallowing lemmas could be used for other proofs. $$|\{\chi\}|=|G|=dim(L(G))$$

Lemma 1:

$$\forall \chi \in \hat{G}: \sum\limits_g{\chi(g)}=\delta_{\chi,\tau}\cdot |G|$$

where \(\tau(g)=1, \forall g\in G\) is the trivial representation = neutral element of \(\hat{G}\)
Proof: let \(h \in G\) be arbitrary and constant:

$$\sum\limits_g{\chi(g)}=\sum\limits_{i=h^{-1}*g}{\chi(h*i)}=\sum\limits_{i}{\chi(h) \cdot \chi(i)}=\chi(h) \cdot \sum\limits_{i}{\chi(i)}=\chi(h)\cdot\sum\limits_g{\chi(g)}$$

$$ \Rightarrow \chi(h)=1\; \forall h \in G \; \text{or} \; \sum\limits_g{\chi(g)}=0$$

$$ \Rightarrow \sum\limits_g{\chi(g)}=\delta_{\chi,\tau}\cdot\sum\limits_g{\tau(g)}=\delta_{\chi,\tau}\cdot|G| $$

Lemma 2: \((\chi_a*\chi_b)(x)=\chi_a(x)\cdot|G|\cdot\delta_{\chi_a,\chi_b}\)

$$\chi_a*\chi_b(x)=\sum\limits_g{\chi_a(x*g^{-1}) \chi_b(g)}=\sum\limits_g{\chi_a(x)\chi_a(g^{-1}) \chi_b(g)}$$

$$=\chi_a(x)\sum\limits_g{\chi_a^{-1}(g) \chi_b(g)}=\chi_a(x)\sum\limits_g{(\chi_a^{-1}\cdot\chi_b)(g)}$$

with \((\chi_a^{-1} \cdot \chi_b) \in \hat{G}\). Use lemma 1

$$=\chi_a(x)\cdot\delta_{(\chi_a^{-1} \cdot \chi_b),\tau} \cdot|G|=\chi_a(x)\cdot|G|\cdot\delta_{\chi_a,\chi_b}$$

Lemma 3: \(\{\chi\}\) are linearly independent

$$\sum_i{\lambda_i \chi_i}=0$$

take any \(\chi_a\) and use Lemma 2

$$ \chi_a*\sum_i{\lambda_i \chi_i}=0$$ $$ \Rightarrow |G|\cdot\lambda_a\cdot\chi_a=0 \Rightarrow \lambda_a=0$$

Therefore \(\{\chi\}\) form a basis of \(L(G)\)

dimension equality

\(|G|=|\hat{G}|\), as shown in a). Similarily \(|\hat{G}|=|\hat{\hat{G}}|\)


$$x*y \mapsto (\chi \mapsto \chi(x*y))=(\chi \mapsto \chi(x)\cdot\chi(y))=(\chi \mapsto \chi(x))\cdot (\chi \mapsto \chi(y))$$


Alternatively show that the kernel is the neutral element of the group. That comes to a simular statement, so you have to show that (\(\forall \chi \in \hat{G} \; \chi(x)=1 \Rightarrow x=e\) ),with e=the neutral element of \(G\).

$$(\chi \mapsto \chi(x))=(\chi \mapsto \chi(y)) \Leftrightarrow \forall \chi \in \hat{G}:\chi(x)= \chi(y) \Rightarrow$$ Did we have a theorem, that would make this statement trivial?

\(\chi\) is a basis of \(L(G)\), and therefore take i.e a function \(f\) that maps every member of the group to another number. As it is representable as a weighted sum of the irreducible characters, there must at least one character take another value for two different members of \(G\) as \(f(x)\neq f(y) \Leftrightarrow x\neq y\).

$$\Rightarrow x=y$$


A homomorphism between two finite sets of equal size that is injective is automaticaly surjective and therefore bijective, as it holds \(dim(G)=|G|=dim(ker(f))+dim(Im(f))=|Im(f)|=dim(\hat{\hat{G}})=|\hat{\hat{G}}|\)


dimension equality

\(dim(L(G))=|G|\) (because \(\{\delta_g| g\in G\}\) is a basis of \(L(G)\) )

\(dim(C(\hat{G}))=|\hat{G}|=|G|\) (see a) )

$$\Rightarrow dim(C(\hat{G}))=dim(L(G))$$

orthonormality of \(\{\chi\}\) (\(\forall \chi_a,\chi_b \in \hat{G}: (\chi_a,\chi_b)_G=\delta_{\chi_a,\chi_b} \)) (maybe Lemma 4 would be enough for the whole proof)

Lemma 4: $$\forall \chi \in \hat{G}, g \in G: \chi(g)\cdot\chi(g)^*=1$$
Proof: As \(G\) is finite \(\forall g \in G \;\exists n\in \mathbb{N}: g^n=e, \) with \(e\) the neutral element of \(G\) (proof: assume that it doesn't hold for all \(n<|G|\ \Rightarrow \forall n<m<|G|: g^n \neq g^m\) (otherwise \(g^{m-n}=e\) ) \( \Rightarrow g^{|G|}=e \) because there are no other diffrent elements in \(G\) )

$$\Rightarrow \forall g \in G \; \exists n\in \mathbb{N}: \chi(g)^n=\chi(g^n)=1 \Rightarrow |\chi(g)|^2=1$$

Proof of orthonormality:

$$(\chi_a,\chi_b)_G=\frac{1}{|G|}\cdot\sum\limits_g{\chi_a(g) \cdot \chi_b^*(g)}=\frac{1}{|G|} \cdot \sum\limits_g{(\chi_a \cdot \chi_b^*)(g)}=\frac{1}{|G|} \sum\limits_g{\chi_c(g)}$$

with \(\chi_c=\chi_a \cdot \chi_b^* \in \hat{G}\). Use Lemma 1

$$=\frac{1}{|G|} \cdot \delta_{(\chi_a \cdot \chi_b^*),\tau} \cdot|G|=\delta_{\chi_a,\chi_b}$$

homomorphism $$f*g \mapsto (\hat{(f*g)}:\chi \mapsto |G|\cdot(f*g,\chi)_G)=(\chi \mapsto |G|\cdot\frac{1}{|G|}\sum\limits_x{(f*g)(x)\cdot\chi^*(x)})$$ $$=(\chi \mapsto\sum\limits_{x,y}{f(xy^{-1})g(y)\chi^*(x)})$$ $$=(\chi \mapsto\sum\limits_{z=xy^{-1}, y}{f(z)g(y)\chi^*(zy)})=(\chi \mapsto\left(\sum\limits_{z}{f(z)\chi^*(z)}\right)\left(\sum\limits_{y}{g(y)\chi^*(y)}\right))$$ $$=(\chi \mapsto |G|\cdot(f,\chi)_G)\cdot(\chi \mapsto |G|\cdot(g,\chi)_G)$$

injectivity $$kernel(\hat{})=\{f \in L(G): \hat{f}=(\chi \mapsto 0=(f,\chi)_G \}$$ As \(\{\chi\}\) form an orthonormal basis of \(L(G)\), the statement \(0=(f,\chi)_G \; \forall \chi\) is only true for \(f=0\). So the kernel is trivial.


As the dimension match and the map is an injective homomorphism, it is bijective. (use the dimension formula for linear maps to show surjectivity.)


As \(\{\chi\}\) form a orthonormal basis of \(L(G)\)), it holds

$$f(x)=\sum\limits_{\chi \in \hat{G}}{(f,\chi)_G \cdot \chi(x)}=\frac{1}{|G|}\sum\limits_{\chi \in \hat{G}}{\hat{f}(\chi)\chi(x)}$$